Baseball Open Gyms (Gr. 3–8), Nov 17–Mar 9

Baseball Open Gyms (Gr. 3–8), Nov 17–Mar 9

Keep your baseball athlete working on their skills through Winter in this open gym experience with Sauk Rapids Recreation staff and coaches!

Is your athlete eager to keep practicing?
Join us for our upcoming BASEBALL OPEN GYMS!

Green and white bg with a swirl of golden yellow reaching from the right side into the middle of image. Class title and storm logo on the left in large font with picture of a young athlete catching a baseball on the right.
Session #BOG34
5:30–7:15 P.M.
Sauk Rapids-Rice
High School

Session #BOG56
5:30–7:15 P.M.
Sauk Rapids-Rice
High School

Session #BOG78
5:30–7:15 P.M.
Sauk Rapids-Rice
High School

All sessions will be instructed by Sauk Rapids Recreation Staff from 5:30-7:15 P.M. in Sauk Rapids-Rice High School gyms.

This open gym is geared toward participants in Grades 3–8. Individuals will have the opportunity to hit, field, pitch, base run, and practice situational baseball. The gyms will be broken down into three individual spaces and participants will rotate through drills each 30 minutes.

Register Here

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