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CE Calendar
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District Calendar
Location: High School Community Room
MHES: 12:15 p.m. release
PVES: 12:15 p.m. release
RES: 12:15 p.m. release
MS: 1:05 p.m. release
HS: 1:20 p.m. release
Send a visible message of building commUNITY through kindness, acceptance, and inclusion to prevent bullying.
SRR schools celebrate Unity Day by wearing orange on the first Wednesday of each month to take a stand against bullying.
To sign up for reminder messages the night before each Unity Day, text @u-day2024 to 81010 (if you previously signed up, you will need to do this again).
Unity Day History:
Unity Day was started by Pacer's National Bullying Prevention Center as a signature event of National Bullying Prevention Month. The call to action was to "Make it Orange and Make it End. Unite Against Bullying!" Participants were encouraged to wear orange to show their support for bullying prevention.
Sauk Rapids-Rice schools adopted Unity Day in 2013 to promote kindness, acceptance, and inclusion in our schools.
Sauk Rapids-Rice is UNITED for kindness, acceptance & inclusion.
Location: Hillside Gym
School Calendars
You can choose what schools you wish to view by using the little blue funnel filter button in the corner of the calendar.
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You can choose what athletic team you wish to view by using the little blue funnel filter button in the corner of the calendar.
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You can choose what athletic team you wish to view by using the little blue funnel filter button in the corner of the calendar.