504 Accommodation Plans

504 Accommodation Plans provide necessary supports for a student whose disability, mental health or other impairment impacts their ability to participate in one or more major life activities. These include physical, mental or learning differences. 

At Sauk Rapids-Rice Public Schools, 504 plans can be recommended by school staff or requested by parents/guardians who believe a student may benefit from accommodations to better support their school success. School staff are responsible for evaluating and determining eligibility for the development of 504 plans. In our elementary schools, principals and assistant principals are responsible for the 504 process. In our secondary buildings, assistant principals are responsible for the 504 process. To explore if a 504 is right for your student, please contact the appropriate staff at your child’s school. 

Sauk Rapids-Rice Schools

Sauk Rapids-Rice, in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, prohibits discrimination on the basis of a mental or physical impairment. If any person believes 0047: Sauk Rapids-Rice or any of the District’s staff have violated the principles and/or regulations of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, they may bring forward a complaint in accordance with the following procedure. 

If discrimination is determined to have occurred, the District will take prompt action to correct any effects of the discrimination and to prevent further occurrences. 

Complaint Procedure

Step 1
The grievant must submit a signed, written Statement of Complaint to the District 504 Coordinator. The Statement of Complaint must fully set out the circumstances giving rise to the alleged complaint and include a statement of the relief sought by the grievant. The Statement of Complaint shall be filed within thirty (30) calendar days of the alleged violation. A Statement of Complaint filed beyond thirty (30) calendar days of the alleged violation may not be considered.

Step 2
The District 504 Coordinator will conduct an investigation of the allegation(s). The parent, student, employee or third party against whom the complaint is alleged will be given full and fair opportunity to present evidence, including witnesses, relevant to the issues raised in the complaint. The investigation will be completed and a written report of findings and recommendations shall be given to the grievant within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the Statement of Complaint. If the District 504 Coordinator is the subject of the written complaint, the Superintendent will appoint an impartial investigator who will conduct the investigation.

Step 3
If the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved following Step 2, an appeal may be made in writing to the Superintendent of Schools within five (5) calendar days after receipt of the written findings and recommendations. The Superintendent will review the written findings and recommendations in light of the issues raised by the grievant, and provide the grievant a written decision within ten (10) working days following receipt of the appeal.

This procedure does not deny the right of the grievant to file a formal complaint at any time in federal court or with the Minnesota Department of Human Rights or the U.S. Department of Education. Changes in the law, including timelines for filing a complaint, may affect your rights. 

Minnesota Department of Human Rights Freeman Building
625 Robert St. North
St. Paul, MN 55155
(800) 6573704 Fax: (651) 2969024 TTY: (651) 2961283 

Office for Civil Rights, Chicago Office (Region V)
U.S. Department of Education

500 W. Madison Street, Suite 1475
Chicago, IL 606614544
(312) 7301560 Fax: (312) 7301576
Email: OCR.Chicago.ed.gov 

Complaints alleging employment discrimination may be filed with:
U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission
330 South 2nd Avenue, Suite 720
Minneapolis, MN 554012224
(800) 6694000 Fax: (612) 3354044 TTY: (800) 6696820 

Printable PDF Federal Section 504 Complaint/Grievance Procedures

Building 504 Coordinators

Early Childhood Center
Sue Paasch
Address: 30 South 4th Ave. Sauk Rapids, MN 56379
Phone: 320-255-8910
Email: sue.paasch@isd47.org

Rice Elementary
Jenny Bushman Ed.D.
Address: 200 NE 3rd Ave, 
Rice, MN 56367
Phone: 320-393-2177
Email: jenny.bushman@isd47.org

Pleasantview Elementary
Brenten Magee
Address: 1009 6th Ave. N., Sauk Rapids, MN 56379
Phone: 320-253-0506 ext. 1215
Email: brenten.magee@isd47.org

Mississippi Heights Elementary
Megan Foley
Address: 1003 4th Street S., Sauk Rapids, MN 56379
Phone: 320-252-0122
Email: megan.foley@isd47.org

Sauk Rapids-Rice Middle School
Nic Johnson
Address: 901 1st Street S., Sauk Rapids, MN 56379
Phone: 320-654-9073
Email: nic.johnson@isd47.org

Sauk Rapids-Rice High School
Adam Johnson and Steve Wagner
Address: 1835 Osauka Road NE., Sauk Rapids, MN 56379
Phone: 320-253-4700
Email: adam.johnson@isd47.org
Email: steve.wagner@isd47.org