Join Us for Community Q & A Sessions!

Join Us for Community Q & A Sessions!

Our recent community survey gathered valuable feedback, and now we want to share the results with you! We’re hosting five Q&A sessions to:

  • Provide an overview of the survey data
  • Address questions and concerns from our community
  • Discuss how we can move forward together based on the survey insights
  1. Tuesday, August 27, 2024, at the Government Center, Sauk Rapids
  2. Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at the Rice Elementary School
  3. Thursday, September 5, 2024, at Hillside Early Learning Center
  4. Thursday, September 12, at the High School
  5. Tuesday, September 17, at the Middle School

All sessions start at 6:00 p.m. and go on until 7:30 p.m. depending on the number of questions. 

Your voice matters! Whether you participated in the survey or want to learn more about what others in our district think, this is your chance to get involved, ask questions, and be part of the conversation.